Habitro® Ant Gel


Habitro® Ant Gel is a ready-to-use insecticidal bait for the rapid control of a variety of ants.

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What is Habitro® Ant Gel?

Habitro® Ant Gel is a viscous liquid ant bait made of 99.9% naturally derived ingredients for the control of ants. It’s patented formulation (HVL Technology) naturally preserves the bait to ensure long term attractiveness without artificial preservatives.

Broad spectrum appeal to many ant species

Control sugar feeding species as well as certain protein feeding ant species.

Unique delayed-action kill that eliminates the entire colony
  • Ants take the bait back to the nest where the active ingredient kills the queen, workers and the rest of the nest.
  • Significant reduction in ant activity in days, followed by colony elimination in weeks (depending on ant species & size of nest)
Utilises patented HVL Technology

Extended bait life up to minimum 8 weeks after application.

A completely homogeneous viscous liquid bait
  • Clear formulation allows for inconspicuous bait placements.
  • Matches the natural preferences of the target pest.
  • Easy to apply
Who can use Habitro® Ant Gel?
  • Farmers
  • Maintenance and/or cleaning personnel
  • Hospitality and F&B
  • Residential homeowners
Directions for use
  • For maximum effectiveness, Habitro Ant Gel must be placed on or near ant trails:
  • Apply one spot of 0.2 g per linear meter of ant trail (equivalent to one pea-sized drop or a number of smaller drops)
  • For outdoor use, Habitro Ant Gel can be placed in cracks and crevices (in brick walls, between pavement slabs, etc.) where ants are seen to be active or when ant trails are evident.
  • If nest entrances can be identified, inject 2 g of product directly
Best practice guidelines for ant control
  • Conduct a thorough inspection to get a full idea of extent of ant trails and possible nesting sites.
  • Place baits close to foraging ant workers.
  • Correct any conditions which may be contributing to the infestation (e.g. food spillages, honeydew producing insects on plants, accessible food etc.)
  • Ensure an adequate volume of bait and/or bait placements relative to infestation or feeding levels.
  • Place baits preferably in an area protected by the rain.
  • It is recommended to monitor at day 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after treatment. Repeat treatment when infestations are high.