

Biogents passive BG-GAT (Gravid Aedes Trap) attracts female Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes with water and oviposition cues. These mosquito species are vectors of diseases like dengue fever, Zika, chikungunya, or yellow fever.

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Biogents’ passive BG-GAT (Gravid Aedes Trap) attracts female Aedes (Stegomyia) mosquitoes with water and oviposition cues. These mosquito species are vectors of diseases like dengue fever, Zika, chikungunya, or yellow fever. Mosquitoes trying to find an oviposition site enter the transparent chamber through the black funnel on top of the trap. In the transparent chamber they are exposed to a sticky surface, oil, or insecticides. The transparent chamber makes it difficult for the mosquitoes to escape, and the black mesh net provides a barrier between mosquitoes and the infused water.

The BG-GAT is ideal for surveillance programs of Asian tiger and dengue mosquitoes, or for mass trapping in combination with suction traps >

The BG-GAT oviposition trap

  • is affordable
  • is easy to set up
  • needs neither a power supply
  • nor CO2

The BG-GAT trap was developed by Dr. Á. E. Eiras from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil and by Dr. S. A. Ritchie from the James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Biogents produces and distributes the trap under an exclusive license agreement with both universities.

Biogents Tiger Mosquito Control

Product Profile
  • 1st line of defence against Adult Mosquito Management NOT larvae only
  • More than just a monitoring device (All round 24/7 mosquito management)
  • Patented counter flow principle
  • Patented lure targeted specifically to increase catch rate of Aedes and Anopheles (mimics the human being and achieves superior capture rates)
  • With CO2 option to further enhance catch
  • 16 years of academic research and over 300 publications that documents the exceptional catch rate